Tuesday, September 1, 2009

31-08-2009 / China – Flagrant antisemitism in a Shanghai Art Gallery

Unreal - If you were Chinese and knew nothing of Jews except what this gallery portrays, imagine the hate fostered by some of the gallery pieces outlined here:
  1. 1. A devil with a long nose bathing in blood and handling a pitchfork with the sign of a swastika and a sign explaining that this is Israel.
  2. 2. An inferior body part wrapped with the Palestinian flag bending over a feminine inferior body part wrapped with the Maguen David on its posterior…
  3. 3. Ahmedinajjad with a butcher's knife and something scribed on his hand and the word "Israel".
  4. 3. Rockets with a Maguen David harming Gaza.
  5. 4. An Israeli soldier shooting an Arab on his back.

The gallery emphasizes that this is the largest and the most representative exhibit of contemporary arts in the Middle-East.

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