Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chief Rabbi of Russia Denounces Anti-Semitism

UZHGOROD, Ukraine – On September 7, at the invitation of the Jewish community of Uzhgorod, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar took part in a ceremony for the unveiling of a memorial plaque to Holocaust victims, which was erected on the site of a mass grave. At that time, Chief Rabbi Lazar also denounced anti-Semitic remarks made by Uzhgorod Mayor Sergei Ratushnyak.
“The Holocaust is not just a tragic event, but a direct consequence of the ideology that prevailed at that time. People who are now coming forward with xenophobic, anti-Semitic slogans appear to be cranks and few people take them seriously. But in fact, every word that they utter must be considered seriously and people should react appropriately. This is why today is so important, so that people learn tolerance and mutual respect, so that no seeds will be sown to give germ to hatred in the hearts of the younger generation,” commented Rabbi Lazar. “The fact that, in the twenty-first century, the head of any European town is making statements of this nature is unacceptable. If this had happened in Russia, the reaction of the federal government would be extremely tough and would be dealt with in a timely manner.”
In the evening, the former Choral Synagogue, which now hosts the Uzhgorod Philharmonia, hosted a communal dinner. While addressing the attendees, Rabbi Lazar stated, “I understand that the Jewish community of Uzhgorod is experiencing a difficult time and that you are shocked by this incident. Know that Jews around the world are supporting you at this time.”
During the course of the evening, the Chief Rabbi also said that the mayor had offered to present him with a medal as an Honorary Guest of Uzhgorod. However, Rabbi Lazar declined this award, stating, “To accept an award from a man who has offended not only me, but also Jews worldwide, is impossible. I am not able receive an award from the hands of a man who does not respect me. I cannot accept it until such a time that I witness his regret and a change in the mayor’s position.”
This is a follow up to an earlier story

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