Wednesday, September 16, 2009

USA antisemitism - Seattle synagogues defaced with swastikas

SEATTLE - Police are investigating after swastikas were spray-painted overnight on two synagogues and outside private homes in the Brighton neighborhood.

Officers said swastikas were found on a synagogue in the 6500 block of 52nd Avenue South and another in the 5100 block of South Morgan Street, both near Seward Park. A swastika also was painted on the driveway of one synagogue.

Swastikas also were painted at seven spots on the sidewalk in front of private homes in the area, said Eli Varon, vice president of the congregation at one of the defaced synagogues.

A police spokesperson said that defacing of property with swastikas is considered malicious harassment. An investigation is under way, and all information is being forwarded to department's bias crimes detective.

The Seattle police is treating the crime "very seriously," the department said in a statement. No suspects have been arrested at this point.

The swastikas are being removed by property owners. Those painted on public property are being removed by the Seattle Department of Transportation.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call the Seattle Police Department's Bias Crimes Unit at (206) 233-3898.


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