Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Refusal to Recognize Anti-Semitism

In his blog after the Swedish debacle, Daniel Mandel's "The Refusal to Recognize Anti-Semitism" shares the following: "Yet, in a way, on this last point, Bildt was inadvertently right. A debate of sorts is indeed taking place on whether or not Jews are monsters who stand apart from the mass of humankind. It has in fact been proceeding for some time. Such a discussion has always been the operative, incipient strategy of anti-Semitic campaigns. In order to treat Jews as monsters to be extirpated, one must first persuade other people that they are monsters."

This alone should be a slap in the face, a cold bucket of water, to all of us - that antiSemitism is not just another type of bigotry and hatred. It is something that we must never forget.

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