Monday, September 7, 2009

At the UN's new site, a worldwide web of anti-Israel bias

The entire N.Y. Daily News Article may be read by clicking here.
The amount of UN webspace dedicated only to Palestinian claims - including pre-Israel maps - is huge. There is the "United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine" or UNISPAL, and the anti-Israel non-governmental organization networking scheme called the "NGO network on the Question of Palestine." Added to that is the constant material churned out by the only UN Division focused on a single people - the UN Division on Palestinian Rights. And then there is the UN Human Rights Council, which President Obama has now embraced. It has adopted more resolutions and decisions condemning Israel than all other 191 UN states combined. Along with fellow human rights enthusiasts China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia, American representatives will be taking their place as new Council members in just one week time.

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