Monday, September 7, 2009

The Zionist Melting Pot Boils Over

Israeli schools have no Zionist curriculum in 48% of the classes. Here is a rundown on the State of Israel's K - 12 educational system and why it is a threat to the core values of the State. Can Israel survive when the population rebels against Zionism?

Good Fences

By J.J. Goldberg

Published September 02, 2009, issue of September 11, 2009.

Whatever the immediate issues, though, the underlying cause of conflict is the same: demographic change. A study of Israel’s school population, released August 30 by the respected Taub Center for Social Policy Studies, showed that of the country’s 1.6 million schoolchildren, fully 48% attend schools that do not embrace or teach the state’s founding Zionist ethos, including 28% in Arab schools and 20% in Haredi schools. The combined total was 39% back in the year 2000. The Haredi schools do not even teach basic skills for employment in a modern economy, the study noted.

Please read the entire article by clicking on the Published link above.

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