Friday, September 11, 2009

Sheikh Mohammed of the U.A.E meets Obama read the part about Jonathan Cooke

WASHINGTON // Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, met privately yesterday with President Barack Obama, concluding a four-day visit to Washington.

Sheikh Mohammed and President Obama discussed the broad and deepening relations uniting the US and the UAE, pledging to continue their close cooperation on security, economic and energy .

The Crown Prince applauded Mr Obama’s strong support for the US-UAE Bilateral Agreement for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation, better known as the 123 Agreement, which the president submitted to Congress in May. He also expressed his hope that Congress will approve the agreement, acknowledging the UAE as a model for the peaceful development of nuclear energy.

Congress is currently considering the nuclear accord, which has been firmly backed by members of the cabinet. The 123 agreement is likely to come into force on October 17, paving the way for the peaceful exchange of nuclear technology and know-how between the two countries. Sheikh Mohammed also thanked the Mr Obama for his support in the UAE’s bid to host the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) headquarters, which will be housed in Abu Dhabi’s Masdar City.

Sheikh Mohammed and Mr Obama underscored the strong commitment to a stable and peaceful Middle East, lauding two nations’ strategic and military cooperation in the region. They agreed on the importance of working together to support the rebuilding of Iraq, stabilising Afghanistan and Pakistan and eradicating extremism.

The Crown Prince also welcomed the US administration’s commitment to working with both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to find a solution, and emphasised the UAE’s willingness to continue to play a leading role in promoting a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

 Please click on the link.

Now  the Jonathan Cooke author: 

Cook's thesis in the essay, as identified as reviewer Gabriel Ash, is that, "the goal of Israeli policy is to make Palestine and the Palestinians disappear for good."First one must understand who Cooke is.

Jonathan Cooke writing in the same UAE newspaper:  

Please click on that link to read Cooke's hateful article.
Arabs In Israel Plan to Stike October 1st 

The point is this the U.S. is shifting its foreign policy and befriending countries like the U.A.E. who appear on the surface as civil and can bring peace to the table. But in reality as we see they are inciteful anti-Zionist hateful Arabs. Now that Israeli Arabs control 28% of Israel's education K-12 and have no Zionist education, no military duties, no attachment to the State, then of course parties like Beytenu, a coalition partner with Likud, will want the Israel Arabs gone. Just as they want all other anti-Zionist groups gone.

So Obama, while it sure does look like you are playing nice with moneybags who are raping the American consumer at the pump, you are also colluding with the enemies of the State of Israel.

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