Friday, September 4, 2009

UN denies Holocaust to appease terrorists

The ironies never cease. This week marks the 70th anniversary of the day Nazi tanks rolled into Poland and the Second World War began. And this week, the United Nations' Relief Works Agency--an agency that is part of an organization created precisely because of that war--declared that "the murder of six million Jews and five million other undesirables . . . is not a human rights issue." The words are those of Karen Abu Zayd, commissioner-general of UNRWA, who was justifying the omission of mention of the Holocaust in a human-rights curriculum used in UN-run schools in Gaza.

This is all part of the horribly misguided western idea that if we just make nice with the terrorists, they'll gratefully return the favour. There is an utter failure to recognize that if these people were capable of thinking and talking in civilized, rational ways, they would not be terrorists. There's no talking to terrorists, but the western mindset, reared in the tradition of civil discourse, can't grasp that.

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