Saturday, September 5, 2009

What is "New antisemitism"

Recently, I was taken aback when a chasid began his anti-Zionist lecture during a normal conversation. It made me think, is anti-Zionism a form of anti-Semitism? Since Israel is a relatively new State, while traditional antiSemitism has been around for hundreds of years, certainly there is a "new antisemitism." Here is a bit of my research.

I am beginning my education. Here is my first lesson in the new anti-Semitism.

Traditional Jews Are Not Zionists

Although there are those who refuse to accept the teachings of our Rabbis and will continue to support the Zionist state, there are also many who are totally unaware of the history of Zionism and its contradiction to the beliefs of Torah-True Jews.

Zionism and Current Events

We provide articles on current Zionist activities with the response of True Torah Jews, as well as articles on the latest anti-Zionist activities.

Central Rabbinical Congress of the U.S.A. and Canada

The Most Difficult Place for Jews to Live Today is in the So-Called “Jewish State”

The Israeli government and the Jerusalem municipal government are committing Nazi-style acts of brutality against religious Jews on a scale not seen in the last 65 years. Religious Jews are regularly beaten mercilessly for yelling “Shabbos” at demonstrations, called by the chief rabbis of Jerusalem, against the parking lot set up by the city government right next to the walls of the Old City. They are inviting Sabbath-desecrators from the entire country to come to the Holy City, the palace of G-d, the place where the Divine Presence resides, to insult G-d, who warned in His Torah against the desecration of the Sabbath.

According to the Talmud, Sabbath-desecration was one of the reasons why Jerusalem was destroyed 2000 years ago. But today, when religious Jews in Jerusalem shout the word “Shabbos”, they are beaten and attacked by the Israeli police. The police shoot grenades and tear gas bombs at the defenseless protesters.

This wave of brutality reached its peak this past Friday night, August 28, when a police officer directed a driver stopped at a traffic light to proceed, although the officer was aware of the religious Jew lying under his car. The driver obeyed, injuring the man and dragging his body some distance along the road.

This crime was repeated on Sunday, August 30, at a demonstration staged by religious Jews to protest the desecration of the body of a Jewish man stabbed to death the previous night. The cause of death was clear and according to Jewish law, there was no justification to perform an autopsy. America and other countries take into account the sensitivities of religious Jews in such cases, but not the Israeli Nazis. At the demonstration against the autopsy, a police officer deliberately ran over one of the protestors, seriously wounding him.

Where else but the Zionist state could a government take a Jewish mother to court claiming that she wanted to starve and murder her sick child, for whom she cared with selfless dedication? In this nightmare, reminiscent of the blood libels of the Middle Ages, a mother criticized the staff of a hospital and blamed them for her child’s worsening condition, whereupon they falsely accused her and had her thrown her in jail together with criminals, lying on the floor for ten days as the police attempted to force her to confess to the charges. But she held strong and refused, until the court, under enormous public pressure, ordered the police to free her. She ran home to her children, including the sick child, whom she hadn’t seen in weeks. Now the state is threatening again to take her children away from her; a higher court has taken on the case.

The Israeli press pounced on this opportunity to defame religious Jews. Even before the court ruled, they were already waging a propaganda war against her and all religious mothers.

In which country in the world do religious Jews suffer as much persecution as in the state that calls itself “Israel”? What other country in the world cuts up Jewish bodies and unearths Jewish graves, in total disregard for Jewish history?

And this is the state that dares to call itself a Jewish state?

Torah Jews are opposed to Zionist sovereignty over Jerusalem and the entire Holy Land. We proclaim our loyalty to America and President Obama, whom the Zionists oppose for his sincere efforts to bring peace to the Middle East. In light of recent events, we can say definitively that Jews fare better under the American government than under the Zionists.
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